The Vet and Rehab Center of Cape Elizabeth

207 Ocean House Road
Cape Elizabeth, ME 04107



Local Daycare & Boarding Facilities


(Click on links to learn more)

The Veterinary and Rehabilitation Center of Cape Elizabeth provides this list as a convenience to our customers, however, we do not endorse any of these businesses and recommend that you vet them prior to using their services. 



Dog Days Active Daycare

Pack Walks in Portland, S. Portland & Cape Elizabeth

(207) 405-8180



Roscoe's Bed and Bark

(Staffed 24/7)

Portland, ME

(207) 536-7245



Camp Bow Wow

Portland, ME

(207) 541-9247



The Mainely Dog

Portland, ME

(207) 332-2818



Happy Tails

Portland, ME

(207) 797-2488



Mutty Paws

Scarborough, Maine

(207) 210-6592



The Bark Bus

Portland and surrounding area

(207) 894-4827



Brown Dog Inn

Freeport, ME

(207) 865-1255



Puppy Love Playdates

(small dogs only)

Falmouth, ME

(207) 274-9583



Falmouth Happy Cats

(cats only)

Falmouth, ME

(207) 797-0001



Salty Dog Adventures

Staffed 24/7

Falmouth, ME

(207) 781-9003



Businesses who would like to be considered for the list please contact

the office at or call (207) 799-6952